Deal Finder Full iOS Application v1.9 - Digital marketing

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Mobil iso Full application
Deal Finder Full iOS Application v1.9

Deal Finder Full iOS Application v1.9

Mobil iso Full application
Short Description:

Product Description


Deal Finder Full iOS Application v1.9

 66 sales

Deal Finder Full iOS Application v1.9 - 1

Someone is trying to pretend in behalf of us. We are not affiliated with anybody. If someone is trying to contact you, please report it to us. We have already filed a legal action regarding to that person. Please contact us here and this is our official email address.

App Features:

  • Path 2.0 like animation – NEW!
  • Point of Interest/Deals are ranked according to nearby – NEW!
  • Social Login (Twitter/Facebook/Google+) – NEW!
  • Google Analytics – NEW!
  • Backend Geolocation/Reverse-Geolocation – NEW!
  • All items posted are subjected for Approval – NEW!
  • Localization Ready!
  • Offline Usage
  • User Profile
  • AdMob
  • Share to Facebook
  • Share to Twitter
  • Share to Google+
  • Email Integration
  • User can add Favorites
  • Google Directions.
  • Search Panel
  • About Us Panel Added
  • Terms & Conditions Panel Added
  • User can edit its Profile
  • Image Pinch and Zoom
  • Supports 3.5/4 inch Screen Display.
  • Supports 64 bit Architecture.
  • User can edit its Profile
  • Image Pinch and Zoom
  • Supports Small and Large Screen Display.

PHP Features

  • Can manage users by allowing or denying access.
  • Multiple categories creation, modificaiton, and deletion.
  • Deal creation, modification, and deletion.
  • Deal posted are subjected for approval by the admin.
  • Photo Upload via URL or by File.

The PHP Backend Files were simple, WYSIWYG, which means What You See is What You Get.

The best part of it is we included the script for creating your JSON and everyting being handled by the PHP Backend, and its just easy as changing the URL. Indeed! very easy!

By our Rules: Server Access will be given to those who have purchased to avoid bombarded with updates or changes that might buyers testing the server with confusions. So please bear with us. Server Url, Username and Password credentials were included in the Zip file once you purchase. Thanks!.

Support Guidelines:

  • We will Support you as much as possible
  • We will only cater support within the app fixes, bugs or some lightweight changes, any strong modification of the code which includes total changes of the app like functionality removed or functionality added will be not entertained.

Support Guidelines Requirement:

  • Please include as much information as possible.
  • If you ask us for support service/bug fixing — please, include the following information:
    • Your purchase code. Messages without purchase code may be ignored.
    • Link to your website
    • Website Admin: login and password
    • Please make sure that all access details(login/password/etc) are correct.
  • Additional information (such as FTP details and access to the database and hosting control panel) may be requested if necessary.

We will support you until the end of the world so nothing to worry about  :)

Change Log

Version 1.9 (Oct 06, 2020)
    Fix issue with UIWebView deprecation to WKWebview.
    Fix issue with Twitter login.
    Fix issue with Facebook Login.
    Fix issue with UIWebview in Google Admob.
    Fix issue in details page where ellipsis are showing in the Facebook and Twitter buttons.
    Fix issue on crashing when showing modal view controller.
    CocoaPods migration.

Version 1.8 (Oct 08, 2019)
    Latest XCode settings update.
    Updated to iOS13
    Fixed crashing issue to iOS13.
    Build Settings updated.

Version 1.7 (Jun 10, 2019)
    Latest XCode settings update.
    iOS 12 Ready
    Code Adjustments
    UI adjustment for iPhoneX or higher screens.
    Encryption update in the backend.

Version 1.6 Update: Sept 11, 2017)
    iPhoneX Supported.
    Consent screen added.
    UI adjustments.
    AdMob SDK updated.
    Facebook SDK Updated.
    Added account deletion.

Version 1.5 Update: Sept 27, 2017)
    Support for iOS 11 update.
    Project settings updated to latest version of XCode.

Version 1.4 (July 10, 2017)
     Fixed Facebook login issue in the backend.

Version 1.3 (July 04, 2017)
     Fixed backend issue unable to make deal to featured.
     Fixed issue on decoding HTML.

Version 1.2 (Oct 19, 2016)
     Project settings upgrade for XCode 8
     Info.plist update for NSCameraUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
     UI Update on the Side Menu.
     Updated Login, Profile and Detail View.
     Added keychain entitlements.
     Updated Google Plus login.
     Update PHP backend for Deals.

Version 1.1 (Oct 10, 2016)
     Localization Update for Terms and Condition and About Us
     Fixed issue in cancelling the approved deals screen and redirected back to categories screen. (backend)
     Fixed issue in cancelling the unapproved deals screen and redirected back to categories screen. (backend)
     Google AdMob SDK update.

Version 1.0.1 (Nov 23, 2015)
     Categories selection in inserting the deal isnt included in the backend.
     My Deals calling featured deals instead of deals according to user.
     Missing 403 and expire PHP files are now updated.
     Approved deals display deal status if expired or active.

Version 1.0 (Oct 31, 2015)
     Initial Release

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