ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme - Digital marketing

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ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme

ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme

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ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme

 4.87 (2,064 ratings)4.87 stars
 24,325 sales
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ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme - Directory & Listings Corporate

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ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme - 16 ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme - 17

ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme - 18

With the new demos you can can create following directories:
- Lawyers, Attorneys & Law Firms Directory Website
- Weddings Vendors Directory Website
- PetFinder Directory Website
- Black-Owned Businesses Directory Website

Also checkout MedicalProWP – Healthcare Directory add-on

For more information go to ListingProWP store

Checkout all our available services here:

What is ListingProWP?

ListingProWP is an end-to-end WordPress directory & listing solution and no extra paid plugins required. An All-in-One turn-key solution to build and monetize your online directory in all 7 continents.

Top Features Features:

  • Advanced Search
  • Advanced Filter
  • Advanced Custom Form Fields for Listings
  • Front-End Submission (FES)
  • Listing Claim (Free and Paid)
  • Pricing Plan for Memberships
  • Multi-criteria Reviews & Ratings
  • Inbox for Internal Messaging
  • Ad Campaign to Promote Listings
  • Appointment Booking
  • Events Calendar, Cards & Listings
  • Coupons Cards Listings
  • Coupons Listings
  • User Dashboard
  • Admin Dashboard

  • Built-in checkout with Stripe, PayPal, 2CO, and Bankwire

    Free & paid payment gateway add-ons available including: PayFast, Paystack, Razorpay, PayU India, Mollie, eWAY, Mercadopago.

    Entrepreneurs who need to build an online business directory or listing website fast and within bootstrap budget without coding knowledge. Also suitable for developers, freelancers, and web agencies.

    Update Logs

    19th March 2022 | Version 2.6.12

    > Added: Compatibility with new demos including DrivePro, CBDPro, etc)

    11th March 2022 | Version 2.6.11

    > Fixed: gallery image expand issue on mobile
    > Fixed: Hot plan indication on pricing plan
    > Fixed: Location with region issue on submit and search listing
    > Fixed: Nearby widget distance calculation issue
    > Fixed: Category base64 icon issue
    > Fixed: Warning on checkout page issue
    > Fixed: Typo mistakes issue in pricing plan style 3 and lead form

    27th January 2022 | Version 2.6.10

    > Fixed: On blog pages multi category display issue
    > Fixed: Date format selected in WP display issue
    > Fixed: Claim form issue on mobile view
    > Fixed: Admin dashboard settings "any one can register" issue
    > Fixed: Theme options listing detail elements issue
    > Fixed: Ad campaign payment issue with direct payment
    > Fixed: Alt images issue
    > Fixed: Multi rating issue
    > Fixed: App view filters display outside the filter button issue
    > Fixed: Use feature image from gallery issue
    > Fixed: Date time picker issue in coupons and events for 24hrs templates
    > Fixed: Geo IP URL change issue
    > Fixed: Header drop issue on page load

    24th December 2021 | Version 2.6.9

    > Fixed: Direct access to PHP form handler (removed) 
    > Fixed: Direct access to dynamic-css.php (removed)
    Note: These fixes resolve the hosting-related issues with certain hosting providers (ex. Godaddy)

    8th November 2021 | Version 2.6.8

    > Updated: Redux Framework Plugin
    > Updated: moment.js library
    > Fixed: Recurring email issue
    > Fixed: Description editor label issue with submit form builder
    > Fixed: Upcoming event are showing active with next month today date
    > Fixed: Event logo is not displaying well on event element and on listing detail page
    > Fixed: Feature of listing select and deselect issue on backend submit listing
    > Fixed: Plan not assign to listing after expiring
    > Fixed: Expired coupons also shown in this element
    > Fixed: When features are not added then category is not selected on backend
    > Fixed: Active tab shows upcoming event
    > Added: <a href="">EventProWP</a> Compatibility (Add-on)

    12th June 2021 | Version 2.6.7

    > Fixed: Listing Features conflict found with latest Wordpress
    > Fixed: Google Ads display issue on App View 1 and 2 archive

    10th June 2021 | Version 2.6.6

    > Updated: Redux-framework.
    > Added: Backend - ListingPro CC add-ons tab showcase premium and partner add-ons
    > Added: Backend - Inline detailed video guide in backend for Listing > Category and Listing > Features.
    > Fixed: When You Click On A Website Link From Detail Page Style 1 Or 2 Then In User Dashboard Logs Listing Name Is In Correct.
    > Fixed: User Dashboard Lead-form Items Are Not Editable.
    > Fixed: Website Title Issue With Archive And Search Pages.
    > Fixed: Unwanted Space After Header In Archive Style Listing-with-sidebar-filters.
    > Fixed: Form Builder Is Not Working With Special Character In Section's Title.
    > Fixed: Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page. Issue When We Enable A Service From Visualizer.
    > Fixed: Event Calendar 1 Week Day Is Hidden In All Mobile Views.
    > Fixed: Blank Event Detail Page In-App View.
    > Fixed: Tax Not Work With Decimal Value.

    20th April 2021 | Version 2.6.5

    > Improved: App View 2 Design Optimized
    > Fixed: Menus in dashboard translations
    > Fixed: Campaigns tab in dashboard translations
    > Fixed: Remaining days display in minus
    > Fixed: Required Submission in listings
    > Fixed: Claimer emails on instant signup
    > Fixed: Quick tips on submission
    > Fixed: Reviews reply date translations
    > Fixed: Search results
    > Fixed: Reviews Ratings
    > Fixed: Near-me Filter
    > Fixed: Leadform by Leadform plugin
    > Fixed: Features on App View 1 and desktop view according to plans

    23rd March 2021 | Version 2.6.4

    > Updated: WPBakery Plugin
    > Updated: Redux Framework Plugin
    > Improved:  While creating event there is a time picker added with date picker.
    > Fixed: After demo import Blog and the page layout not set.
    > Fixed: Pay per Click (PPC) Ads not showing correct data.
    > Fixed: Fixed Header Optimized
    > Fixed: Submit listing with Fill-o-Bot while category not selected still submits.
    > Fixed: If phone# not added while adding listing WhatsApp# also didn't display.
    > Fixed: Banner style Banner with side search have no option to change banner taxonomy.
    > Fixed: Ad Campaign created with only Sidebar Ads, showing in other spots.
    > Fixed: Event start date and end date issue fixed.
    > Fixed: Google address not added and there are two lines appear in detail style 4.
    > Fixed: Add menu not working with multiple group.
    > Fixed: Grid/List switcher is not working with listing with sidebar filter.
    > Fixed: Ads display multiple time on archive with listing compact view.
    > Fixed: During listing submission Same Day can be added multiple times.
    > Fixed: Currency is changes from the Ads Campaign while changing from theme options.
    > Fixed: Listing is not selected on payment checkout page.
    > Fixed: Detail page coupon count-down design issue.
    > Fixed: FireFox - Geo location not working.
    > Fixed: FireFox - Map for contact us page doesn't work.
    > Fixed: FireFox - Map is not working.
    > Fixed: FireFox - Sidebar menu is not working.

    10th February 2021 | Version 2.6.3

    > Fixed: Latest WordPress Compatibility
    > Fixed: Nextend Social Login Compatibility issue
    > Fixed: Listing is not selected on payment checkout page.
    > Fixed: Listing not showing on checkout, another listing is selected, session is not creating.
    > Fixed: On listing submit page, empty additional field showing on Detail page.
    > Fixed: RestaurantPro: Archive page design issue on scrolling.
    > Fixed: Detail page coupon time design issue.
    > Fixed: Map is not showing on Firefox.
    > Fixed: Archive search without header form does not give proper results.
    > Fixed: Archive search filters on app view.
    > Fixed: Currency is changing from the Ads Camping while changing the Currency from theme options.
    > Fixed: Ads created by payment through stripe don't save the checked ad type check boxes on backend.
    > Fixed: on edit listing some times it show two block of features it should show only one.
    > Fixed: By checking Full address field as required, manual Address also becomes required.

    20th December 2020 | Version 2.6.2

    > Fixed: On load archive page in-app view form fields display
    > Fixed: On edit listing preselected features are not checked
    > Fixed: On submit & edit listing location with map pin doesn't work
    > Fixed: Issue submitting listing when using fill-o-bot
    > Fixed: HTML Entities code is showing on the frontend
    > Fixed: Claimed listing doesn't show lead-form if admin select the option to show it
    > Fixed: On Edit Listing Page if media is mandatory form is unable to successfully submit

    10th December 2020 | Version 2.6.1

    > Updated: Minor security update.
    > Fixed: nearby listings do not show the nearest lists
    > Fixed: PayPal amount with the fixed coupon was not correct
    > Fixed: In user dashboard inbox date translation
    > Fixed: Tagline on LP posts element must be of 100 character
    > Fixed: Count of listings on location elements.
    > Fixed: Near me filters units
    > Fixed: Permalinks not updating.

    7th December 2020 | Version 2.6

    > Updated: Days on event app view detail page are now translated
    > Fixed: Pages Footer Menu issue in App View.
    > Fixed: On mobile archive on App View 1 open now filter
    > Fixed: On App view open now filter doesn't work
    > Fixed: Weekdays Adding Multiple Time.
    > Fixed: Listing Open now and Close Now Issue.
    > Fixed:  Coupons time according to timezones in the world
    > Fixed:  Plan Price with decimals throws an error while changing the plan.
    > Fixed: During claim plans name were not coming right
    > Fixed: Change plan from backend does not change the days of the plan
    > Fixed: If Hide google ads in the pricing plan is on, it doesn't show on the front-end.
    > Fixed: With Unlimited Duration Plan, on payment checkout Page show Duration: Days.
    > Fixed: Booking start and end slot are not working according to the time of listing.
    > Fixed: Archive page layout destroys on the list view.
    > Fixed: Ads Campaign Days was not Translatable.
    > Fixed: On the event User dashboard there is Facebook and Twitter is not translatable.
    > Fixed: On the checkout page, unlimited days were not shown
    > Fixed:  Banner side search without main text heading not showing
    > Fixed: On Archive Page List view address showing just location
    > Fixed: FES builder did not allow to update the custom fields
    > Fixed: Side search banner does not show the placeholders
    > Fixed: Listing categories element Abstract View 2, only 7 categories display.

    To view all the previous update logs, go to


    Icons used in the theme are from Icon8. More info on licensing.

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