QuickDate IOS- Mobile Social Dating Platform Application - Digital marketing

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QuickDate IOS- Mobile Social Dating Platform Application

QuickDate IOS- Mobile Social Dating Platform Application

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Product Description


QuickDate IOS- Mobile Social Dating Platform Application

 4.58 (19 ratings)4.58 stars
 305 sales
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QuickDate is a social application for QuickDate Dating social network, with QuickDate users can Match & Interact with users profiles and like and find near by and more, Now using the application is easier, and more fun !

QuickDate is a social application for QuickDate Dating social network, with QuickDate users can Match & Interact with users profiles and like and find near by and more, Now using the application is easier, and more fun !

QuickDate app is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated.


Build on Swift 5.3, Xcode 13
-QuickDate v1.5 or higher.
-If you are charging your users or sell in-app purchases you should obtain the extended license

What does Extended license includs?

1-Extra payment system such as Apple pay.
2-A simple gift from our side ;)

QuickDate IOS- Mobile Social Dating Platform Application - 1 QuickDate IOS- Mobile Social Dating Platform Application - 2 QuickDate IOS- Mobile Social Dating Platform Application - 3 QuickDate IOS- Mobile Social Dating Platform Application - 4

User Features:

  • ِLike: User can like users in find match page..
  • Chat: Send, receive messages.
  • Regitration pages and steps.
  • Share and upload images and more.
  • Offline access to all messages and recent conversions.
  • Image Caching system.
  • Explore New Users and Friends and nearby.
  • Control Your Privacy and Settings.
  • Pro System: User can get top features by subscribing to one of the script pro packages. .
  • Change Profile information.
  • Credit System: User should purchase credit to use it on messages, gifts, likes. etc.
  • ِ30+ New Features.
Version v1.9 (Stable) 25 February 2022
  • [Update] Update to latest Xcode.
  • [Update] QuickdateSDK updated with latest Xcode
  • [Added] Live Stream
  • [Added] Added Agora Calls
  • [Improved] Settings screen
  • [Improved] Notification Screen
  • [Improved] tabbar
  • [Improved] Blogs screen
  • [Improved] Trending screen
  • [Improved] Chat Screen
  • [Improved] Home Screen
  • [Improved] Credit Screen
  • [Improved] Upgrade Screen
  • [Improved] Fixed Orientation
  • [Improved] Dark Mode
  • [Improved] UI Modification
  • [Update] Optimize Code Quality.
  • [Update] pods updated.
  • [Update]Optimize UI/UX.
  • [Update] Social Login.
  • [Update] Localization.
  • [Fixed] 30+ Reported bugs.
  • Version v1.8 (Stable) 29 October 2021
  • [Update] Update to latest Xcode 13.0 .
  • [Update] QuickdateSDK updated with Xcode 13.0
  • [Added] New SDK Encryption system
  • [Improved] Dark Mode
  • [Improved] Spalsh screen load
  • [Improved] UI Modification
  • [Improved] Push Notifications
  • [Improved] Filter
  • [Update] Optimize Code Quality.
  • [Update] pods updated.
  • [Update]Optimize UI/UX.
  • [Update] Social Login.
  • [Update] Localization.
  • [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs.
  • Version v1.7 (Stable) 26 February 2021
  • [Update] Update to latest Xcode 12.4 .
  • [Update] QuickdateSDK updated with Xcode 12.4.
  • [Improved] UI Modification
  • [Improved] UIWebviews Removed
  • [Improved] Push Notifications
  • [Fixed] Localization.
  • [Added] App color settings.
  • [Added] RTL Compatibility.
  • [Added] Location Feature.
  • [Added] Facebook Ads.
  • [Added] New User detail screen.
  • [Update] Optimize Code Quality.
  • [Update] pods updated.
  • [Update] Alamofire Updated.
  • [Update] googleAdMob Updated.
  • [Update]Optimize UI/UX.
  • [Update]Social Login.
  • [Fixed] Fixed Twillo Calling.
  • [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs.
  • Version 1.6 (Stable) 2 Oct 2020
  • [Update] Update to latest Xcode 11.5. .
  • [Added] Admob.
  • [Improved] UI Modification
  • [Added] Localization.
  • [Added] New Profile screen.
  • [Added] WoWonder Login.
  • [Added] Dark Mode.
  • [Added] Two Factor Security.
  • [Update] Improve Chat Quality.
  • [Update] Optimize Code Quality.
  • [Update]Optimize UI/UX.
  • [Fixed]Appstore Webview issue resolved.
  • [Fixed]Filteration.
  • [Fixed] 50+ Reported bugs.
  • IOS Version 1.5 Update on (6 June 2020)
  • Added new UI design for profile..
  • Added new UI Trending page
  • Added Favorite User system.
  • Added ability to display People I Liked.
  • Added ability to display People I DisLiked..
  • Added card swipe limit.
  • Added Hot or Not.
  • Added Two-factor authentication system.
  • Added ability to view my affiliates.
  • Added ability to view friends requests.
  • Added checking points when sending gifts.
  • Added new animations.
  • Fixed magor reported bugs.
  • IOS Version 1.4 Update on (18 March 2020)
  • Added Friend Request.
  • Added Filter User
  • Added some new UI modification
  • Fixed magor reported bugs.
  • IOS Version 1.3 Update on (19 Feb 2020)
  • Added Apple Pay for extended Users.
  • Added some new UI modification
  • Update to latest Version of xcode
  • Fixed magor reported bugs.
  • IOS Version 1.2 Update on (28/12/2019)
  • Added some new UI modification
  • Added ability to make audio/video calls.
  • Added ability to read blogs.
  • Added ability for bank transfer.
  • Fixed magor reported bugs.
  • IOS Version 1.0.0 First Release (23/9/2019)
  • Added Credit System Paypal / Stripe.
  • Added ability to boost profile.
  • Added ability swipe cards left and right.
  • Added ability to upgrade profile.
  • Added ability to view prenium users.
  • Added full Push-notifications system for all kinds of notifications.
  • Added ability to send/reiceve messages.
  • Added ability to login via social logins.
  • Added settings prefencess screens.
  • Added abilty to send Gifs.
  • Secured the app of illegal uses
  • Added ability to search for users online.
  • High Improvement on performance of the app.
  • Supports now all kind of Host TLS2/TLS3.
  • Added block users system.
  • Added abilty to delete account .
  • Add abilty for full screen.
  • Added font system .
  • Added ability for offset mode.
  • Added Ability To Report Users.
  • Added Native like and DesLike for users
  • Request App Permissions system.
  • Added Native Emoji keyboard view.
  • Added Empty state pages and offline pages.
  • Add multilingual system with auto detect android languish .
  • Added ability to display alerts , Toasts , success , errors, loadings , and more..
  • Added ability to handle image download and cache load and speed.
  • Added ability to handel offline mode and bad connections.
  • Welcome Page : New page added on the fisrt load .
  • Forget Page: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address.
  • Animations : added Animations on pages and items
  • Materials Design: Total new Design for the app
  • Added Image croper and rotate system.
  • Add Full Documentation install and errors solving .
  • buy click


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